
Comprised of three key outputs, the ASCENT project will operationalize a digital adherence technology intervention in diverse geographic, cultural, and infrastructural settings.

Output 1: Operationalization of the digital adherence technology intervention

The ASCENT project will work collaboratively with the National TB Programs (NTPs) in project countries to facilitate adoption of an open source adherence platform capable of supporting the use of WHO-approved DATs, including 99DOTS sleeves, evriMED medication monitors and SureAdhere Video Supported Treatment (VOT) approaches, in order to enable innovative new patient-centred, optimized TB care pathways.

Output 2: Evidence generated for optimal use and scale of digital adherence technologies

During the operationalization of the digital adherence technology intervention, key research questions will be addressed to generate crucial evidence that can contribute to further refinement of the global WHO normative guidelines, support country guidance for the optimal use and scale up for a global DAT market. Learn more about our Research

Output 3: Global market established for optimized product, price and supply chain of digital adherence technologies

The goal is to ensure that the market is primed for digital adherence technologies  and that the anticipated global growth in demand – resulting from implementation, utilization, and stakeholder engagement activities primed in the ASCENT scope of work – can be met.

More about the digital adherence technologies